還不知道過年該去哪玩嗎?快來墾丁必避寒吧!!!//墾丁新芽 Istill don't know where to go forthe New Year? Come to Kenting to avoid the cold!!! 最近天氣真的冷颼颼 這個時候不往南遊玩,什麼時候去呢!? It was pretty cold these days that Iwanted move to southern city. Yeah, it’s definitely a right timeto go to kenting. 墾丁國家公園有溫暖的氣侯、便利的交通, 還有豐富的景點 是最受歡迎的度假勝地之一 每年至少吸引上百萬的中外旅客 Kenting National Park is one of themost popular resorts, attracting millions of both domestic and foreign touristsevery year. 不論親子家庭、團體出遊或是聯歡活動,更提供包棟、代訂餐、烤肉、水陸活動、各項票券、機車包車等多元化服務,就在新芽!http://www.sineya.com.tw No matter you are group travel orfamily activities, we offer building package, barbecue, food ordering service,aquatic activities, many kinds of ticket, chartered travel, etc. Check here immediatelyhttp://www.sineya.com.tw 景點推薦Tourist attractionsrecommended. 1. 墾丁大街Kenting Street (Kenting Night Market) 墾丁大街上的商店包羅萬象,包括販賣各式海洋風味的紀念品店、夜市小吃攤、海產店等而其他例如刺青店、彩繪紋身攤位等等也是此地的特色商店。 You can find many stores and vendorsselling souvenirs and accessories, food stalls and restaurants serving a widearray of traditional Taiwanese snacks. Kenting Street is where visitors areoffered with a complete selection of foods while embraced by a relaxing holidayambience. In addition, fresh tropical fruits and seafood can also be foundalong the street. 2. 國立海洋生物博物館National Museum of Marine Biology and Aquarium (NMMBA) 內容分為台灣水域館、珊瑚王國館、世界水域館等三大主題館 台灣水域館為仿自然生態的水族館,有高4公尺、長16公尺之觀景窗,展現大海洋的宏偉的東部大洋區裡的大洋池;珊瑚王國館以南中國海之珊瑚生態為主軸,並以淺海至深海方式介紹各式珊瑚的「珊瑚王國館」,最特別的「海底隧道」區,讓民眾置身海底的隧道,欣賞這繽紛亮眼的珊瑚礁世界;世界水域館以「古代海洋」、「海藻森林」、「極地水域」、「深海水域」為展示主題,藉由電子科技方式,呈現出台灣所處之熱帶水域所見不到的世界各大水域與古代海洋。 The exhibition areas are the Watersof Taiwan, Coral Kingdom Pavilion, and Waters of the World. There is thelargest observing window which is 4 meters tall and 16 meters long on the oceanof Eastern Taiwan is in this area. The Coral Kingdom Pavilion focus on exhibitingthe coral reef species from shallow shore to deep sea. The 84 meters long underwater tunnel where guests may enjoy the beautiful reef without having to getwet is the most popular facility in the museum, where admiring the underwaterworld only a glass away. The Waters of the World is a 3D virtual reality waterfree aquarium. The underwater habitat is simulated with machines in differentthemes. From Ancient Time Ocean, Underwater Forest, Arctic Waters and DeepOceans, all presented electronically guiding guest to explore the waters aroundthe world. What’s more there are also routine shows: Belugas show, Swimmingwith tropical fish, and Feeding show. 3. 鵝鑾鼻燈塔 Eluanbi Lighthouse 鵝鑾鼻燈塔是位在臺灣最南端的頂點,又被稱為台灣的尾巴。在1982年時開始開放給一般民眾參觀,在園區內你可以發現許多有趣的設施,還有天然的地質環境 Eluanbi Lighthouse is located atTaiwan’s southernmost point. The most prominent of these must be Eluanbi, alsoknown as "Taiwan's Tail." Eluanbi Park was created in 1982 to providean appropriate venue for people coming to visit. Within the park there are anumber of recreational facilities and a wide range of interesting geological,botanical, and ornithological features. 4. 鹿境梅花鹿生態園區Paradise Of Deer 鹿境生態園區,用生態體驗,來教育遊客們不論你從哪裡來,我們每個人可以對整個生態環境影響的巨大。他們相信只有透過了解、教育。我們才能懂得尊重每一個物種,每一個屬於台灣的物種。希望鹿境這樣的模式能夠成為人們和動物們互相平衡的一種示範。 The Paradise Of Deer uses ecologicalexperience to educate visitors no matter where you come from, each of us canhave a huge impact on the entire ecological environment. They believe that onlythrough understanding, education. We can understand each species, each speciesbelonging to Taiwan. It is hoped that such a pattern of deer can be ademonstration of the balance between people and animals. 【墾丁新芽民宿】 服務電話:+886-8-8899127、+886-9-26684801、+886-9-35490839 微信:ktsiya888 或 ktsiya0935490839 地址:屏東縣恒春鎮大埔路48號 Facebook:https://www.facebook.com/ktsiya888 【Kenting Siya Hostelry】 TEL:08-8899127 MOB:0926-684801、0935-490839 ADD:No.48, Dapu Rd, Hengchun Township, Kenting, Taiwan 94647 WEB:http://www.sineya.com.tw/multimedia1.html ---- 墾丁民宿,墾丁住宿,墾丁包棟住宿,墾丁民宿包棟,墾丁 2 B3 j; z0 D% U, _5 c# r