6 n% E$ T* n: z/ N在日治时期时, 因为阿里山铁路在奋起湖设站, 且在早晨时火车便从嘉义出发开往阿里山, 来到奋起湖恰巧是中午时间, 所以许多乘客便会在奋起湖用餐, 故也因此造就当地便当业兴盛的原因。 奋起湖的特色便当里, 至少都有七样菜, 其中一定会有奋起湖的特产大碗豆, 也固定会有卤鸡腿(或卤排骨)、卤肉、卤蛋、卤油豆腐、酸菜、红枝和黄萝卜等等。 如果你下次拜访奋起湖, 一定要来吃只有奋起湖才吃得到的铁路便当喔!
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In the Japanese colonial era, the Alishan railway seta station in Fenchihu. Every day in the early morning, the train will startfrom Chiayi station, and it always arrived there at noon time. Many people hadlunch there and that’s the reason why they are so prosperity and famous for thelunch box. There are at least seven dishes in a Fencihu lunchbox. There must be a specialty of large peas of Fencihu in the lunchbox. Inaddition, the salted pork, stewed, spiced corned egg, bean oil brine House,sauerkraut, red and yellow carrot sticks are also the side dishes you can findin the lunchbox. You must try one when you visit here, because it’sthe specialty in Fenchihu.
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为什么要选择奋起湖大饭店? 【特色一:奋起湖四月赏萤季】 每年的四、五月这时候,只要来到奋起湖,总能发现成千上万的萤火虫在山坡上飞舞,非常可观。 【特色二:小战斧软烧肉便当】 只有在奋气湖大饭店才吃的到这种怀旧的味道,值得来试试。 【特色三:独家免费导览】 奋起湖大饭店提供了免费导览,有三种路线,您可以自由选择。
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Why Fenchihu hotel would be your first choice? The first reason is that fireflies in April. Infact, you can always find different kinds of fireflies in Fenchihu in differentseason. Especially in April you visiting here, you would discover groups ofthem. It might be astonished. The second reason is about Fenchihu Lunch Box; youcould only find the memorable and traditional food here, especially in Fenchihuhotel. You really need to try one. The final reason is about guided tours, we offeredthree different kinds of tours. You can choose one you like for sure.
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" c1 Y' Z4 P- l. L& X+ @: Z《饭店信息》 订房/洽询专线:866-5-256-1888 LINE ID:fenchihu_hotel 地址:嘉义乡竹崎乡中和村奋起湖178之1号 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 《informationof Fenchihu Hotel》 TEL:866-5-256-1888 LINE ID:fenchihu_hotel ADD:No.178-1,Fenqihu, Zhuqi Township, Chiayi County 604, Taiwan (R.O.C.) 2 d. u% r @& g& y( u
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