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[MV] Village People - 《YMCA》原版经典MTV [複製鏈接]

* o! w: a' U1 n3 C0 o+ f! X
+ ^+ ?$ }0 F# Z8 d4 ^3 }! F: J2 E- J( F1 ]/ T
; O0 f6 e$ Q9 ~4 c8 b# J

0 k5 ]; y* R8 J5 }8 e7 y8 _6 `9 T: o6 e. G5 h) r6 T# o8 \
Young man, there's no need to feel down& z2 k& p3 s# Q0 A$ o* g
I said, young man, pick yourself off the ground
5 U# R: m, j  C4 u/ U, K6 LI said, young man, 'cause your in a new town: {+ P3 F, l5 v7 Q* j3 h
There's no need to be unhappy
# _! c( ?+ x: L7 k* J7 J
! X8 |! L1 A" z7 B  U" ]; FYoung man, there's a place you can go0 y  N, A- h- O$ i& _5 v
I said, young man, when you're short on your dough
9 t# A5 n8 e/ W2 u# U# p1 |$ i0 ^You can stay there, and I'm sure you will find
; j8 M9 ?! v. S; j3 z# u1 VMany ways to have a good time.8 m( n& g/ O! w% f- D5 F7 D9 f
7 Z# Y5 N3 [! E( n
It's fun to stay at the Y.M.C.A.
8 x& i2 ]' n2 I3 QIt's fun to stay at the Y.M.C.A.
: R; Y3 x1 x" l4 U2 N0 {2 P' ^They have everything For young men to enjoy.* p* b! e& o% k5 R% W) D6 b
You can hang out with all the boys." y  d* N% \) L/ s& ~
It's fun to stay at the Y.M.C.A.( }5 j; k4 D6 x1 I$ n5 f
It's fun to stay at the Y.M.C.A.
& q. l$ }6 c2 f0 Q; qYou can get yourself clean" X( C$ E2 H. Y
You can have a good meal
( B3 S9 R5 C$ U8 ^( z% sYou can do whatever you feel.
* Y- \# J5 ?5 D
+ F6 r" A: p" P* |Young man, Are you listeneing to me! y$ ^4 L3 I) D
I said, young man, what do you want to be
/ @" M) Z: p& b! R+ HI said, young man, you can make real your dreams,7 H& d' `2 M. W
but you've got to know this one thing.
7 U; G) a6 N$ P5 w( e$ @# p6 B. r$ O) M- f+ m$ b( v0 Q
No man, does it all by himself5 c6 ?& o2 E- S, `" R6 h8 z
I said, young man, put your pride on the shelf$ i2 D( I* ~: ?
And just go there, to the Y.M.C.A.
# _: j- |) s$ r* QI'm sure they can help you today
- _) Z8 c6 ~. Y
5 M" l: N' N  b/ NIt's fun to stay at the Y.M.C.A.
7 N2 O' t, _# E, KIt's fun to stay at the Y.M.C.A.
1 u; P+ r; E) X- D& iThey have everything for young men to enjoy.
0 Z& m6 ]- R/ n4 u2 y7 |& E. A; @1 YYou can hang out with all the boys.1 P/ W% _+ ]0 t# M  d

% j$ a1 s9 H' O9 iIt's fun to stay at the Y.M.C.A.5 j0 X8 m5 `& z; l  f3 \2 \

7 ^0 d2 b7 q: P: E  t* w8 x3 fIt's fun to stay at the Y.M.C.A./ j- n3 f3 o, M6 \, E2 m/ I
You can get yourself clean  S" a. b5 f! Y& J/ x$ @4 Z
You can have a good meal3 U3 b5 f* x5 P
You can do whatever you feel.
6 E0 F; ^* y% C# e8 ]4 t, `1 Y: |1 q/ p; [3 j
Young Man, I was once in your shoes,% D1 u! ]# n# e1 k1 E* r* f
I said, I was down and out with the blues
1 s7 J& P6 u- TI felt, no man cared if I were alive
0 C; m; n( }# v- w7 H1 `0 EI felt the whole world was so jive9 m, ~" v# |% v0 s2 ?

; A3 D2 E) z3 P# rThat's when someone came up to me
3 x& _4 w/ H. x2 E6 ^& y9 y0 }5 ~and said young man take a walk up the street' [+ ^# @2 K! H
There's a place there called the Y.M.C.A.4 ]6 U. z5 Z; ]( Q$ x+ P, Z
They can start you back on your way.* v+ |, E) s7 i

- j9 Z9 H8 x6 x! f4 PIt's fun to stay at the Y.M.C.A.+ {9 A: L; e. _/ j9 f' A* Z
It's fun to stay at the Y.M.C.A.
% x4 z* X7 f0 E/ ]. m: y$ [( JThey have everything For young men to enjoy.
8 r# ^, t4 |) ]) e, F- \1 \You can hang out with all the boys.  l1 m0 E- L' [) c

5 w; q' t3 ^  Z5 e0 [+ _& |Y.M.C.A.# w7 B8 n: ~" P( t6 g
It's fun to stay at the Y.M.C.A.# B( }0 t! T9 s: H$ y
It's fun to stay at the Y.M.C.A.
% N0 p3 t( B5 A; V4 `. ?Young man, Young man, there's no need to feel down
7 z: A5 ~7 F  Q& `Young man, Young man, pick yourself off the ground
& P7 N5 w7 i$ I1 c
: L  ?+ B5 R& g+ I9 I( N: s6 K. J: \. l1 ~Y.M.C.A.$ r" Y- n( E$ I% s5 y( p# N9 i
just go to the Y.M.C.A.
, K4 Z" ?4 Y7 [, [: m$ iYoung Man, Young Man, I was once in your shoes,6 W0 s6 k& V, q( U: n
Young Man, Young Man, I was out with the blues
! R* e* P. @/ Z- E1 b7 [$ C5 r: j" S# h0 R3 f1 E
Y.M.C.A.$ }! M8 `2 U' D% s) b/ C
Y.M.C.A.: l9 D% l. h, q5 ]
  L- O0 ~1 g2 p* O' `Y.M.C.A.
& K. U2 h! G7 b2 j7 h3 K$ k
% U4 B) G; s- B1 r: T: G( e

% Z  b  {$ u7 m( q% _1 ^! n) c5 _* j/ c; X) H; y" z! Z8 i
9 w8 R/ T2 o. Q9 j
5 X# f/ d9 q3 l" @# R
) D1 a8 S0 m# @/ m+ q

' q5 V* c( d1 V6 c% e9 p) yhttp://www.88pan.cc/file-593121.html
/ \0 f. L9 @8 z7 T! X: d
8 a6 t! J) }, i+ @
; `9 ~4 ?$ p3 T* P! r6 c1 o# i
备用地址①:  O6 k" N& y6 s/ k) y

6 C9 P1 E. J$ ^# ?7 T5 ?8 Y! |' b
( Y" `/ \1 j" f  e' L# k: }$ i

) v( @0 L9 O& `% Q; R  m

8 m7 b- b& L# ^2 j+ i- [1 x& s6 Chttp://www.nnfile.net/f/602a2ce818ae202a.html- e6 ?( S" p4 b2 T

' a& y0 Z# c9 t% U/ A* K
+ |4 P" o% T6 A7 \- l
6 R5 d, ~8 W5 C
. H, z# e6 E) u' M  s

5 v) E* R) t8 Whttp://www.yimuhe.com/file-4259232.html
  h$ Q8 x& r' [/ Y! Q3 Y$ p# B1 H5 t" f& Q: p& d
2 u$ U" D; P1 m  \( Z
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