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[英文] 鼓励自己的经典英语语句 [複製鏈接]

鼓励自己的经典英语语句  1、不怕路长,只怕志短。
& Z7 r/ B( @  z2 F  Not afraid of road is long, is short.
" b) U. x. Q* m- a  e" y  2、你有多努力,就有多幸运。" i0 \+ ^! h) Y  k
  How ever you may work hard, you will have much luck.6 T( ]! w  y  P- L* B- W/ B
  3、自己去做吧。不要依赖别人。* M' u/ B' f" r, k8 K
  Do it myself. Don't rely on others.8 K+ G. S0 p. ^9 |
0 m5 f% s: D6 |9 M  Courage to heaven, cowardice to hell.
% b& T5 R& e: |- {0 ~! z  5、种下一种个性,收获一种命运。
* ^( K  D6 @1 W: K  Planted a character, reap a destiny.
3 x4 v$ a9 S! H0 D  X  6、被克服的困难就是胜利的契机。
9 c7 r3 c. b- I0 E: ~6 G  Be overcome difficulties is victory.' d, ^# I( c( O5 i( q* n
  7、别再自己摸索,问路才不会迷路。( [$ ~1 w- Z/ w2 Y6 ^; R& `, v2 p2 z
  Don't oneself fumble, to ask the way won't get lost.( e0 ]1 U9 G6 m1 j9 X
( e+ q2 w* |0 A- p  Will attract into the royal road to learning, sadness, trapped in the maze.0 s7 n9 \: j  \3 @1 }8 T0 C2 n6 }
  9、讲话要温和轻柔,态度要谦诚亲切。" c: z; l* O5 a- N- g7 h
  Talk to moderate soft, QianCheng kind attitude.
$ Y& S9 g  d4 i8 M+ s( O  10、不是你比别人差,只是付出不够多。
& b5 F7 r  F- x5 N' ^/ x# O% l  Is not inferior to others, you just pay enough.
+ j5 I3 b, B! m# G4 N  11、最本质的人生价值就是人的独立性。. J' D, t$ N  R7 b! z! X
  The essential value of life is the independence of the people.( [1 F+ A( J( H2 |; d  W+ H
  12、成功者永不放弃,放弃者永不成功!/ Q1 u# c# @  {5 M# s' {" |8 t1 I
  Winners never quit and quitters never success!
( {* E, _0 g- N) L2 V  13、有了过错自己并没有发觉,这叫无知。0 |7 Q& M0 f$ V: M+ I
  With the fault did not find, this is called ignorance.
" D0 e! `4 M2 ]7 E* d2 p  14、只有学会应对不公平你才学会了生存。
$ o2 v) E; D1 I9 |3 I  Only learn to cope with unfair you learned to survive.9 {6 E4 M/ t2 ~- A
  15、快乐不是因为拥有的多而是计较的少。6 v: s& i& K+ A& y4 N
  Happiness is not because have much but caring less.
1 w; }9 Q8 L6 L3 _+ r  16、没有承受困难的潜质,就没有期望了。
8 ]/ a4 K- d. I  Without bear the potential of difficulties, there is no hope.
3 U) \7 E. A! U+ w# z  17、心不清则无以见道,志不确则无以定功。" U6 l! U0 i2 S8 F1 M. r! P$ x
  Heart is not clear, cannot see a way, tzu chi uncertainty is beyond work." D+ t' }& y( P$ M- S
  18、拥有知识改变命运,拥有理想改变态度。! A+ X% ?& X4 U4 T# C5 F
  Have the knowledge change destiny, has the ideal change of attitude.
5 W; i) t% T0 {5 z) @  19、从风雨中寻找快乐,在挫折中保持坚韧。, W' d& D4 m- A4 r( E* N
  From the wind and rain to find happiness, keep tough in the setback.2 J4 o; t- H# x
  20、不可压倒一切,但你也不能被一切压倒。+ i6 l8 f8 j5 G; f
  Not overwhelming, but you can't be everything down.
# x+ A. n) M) G4 d1 d5 v3 J5 q  21、人的心灵在不同的时期有着不同的内容。
, [  @& W* E0 J) @# @: Z1 _  A person's heart at different times have different content.
& a& H; x' r, `3 n1 J; S  22、困难里包含着胜利,失败里孕育着成功。
0 \* f: H' b' J7 e  Are contained in the difficult victory, failure breeds success.
7 s8 H/ z4 P" z0 U  23、劳动使人建立起对自己的理智力量的信心。& M, E- S  Z/ t) F4 _- f. G2 R
  Labor makes people to establish confidence in his intellectual power.% w) n  I3 Y! t4 S9 ?6 v4 l
6 }: o- r6 I% V. d  I'd be happy to learn from the successful and summarize experience from the success or failure.5 C; j# T: ?' L8 D6 T9 u
  25、只要比别人更努力,相信自己一定会成功。. O! V) `0 `: H( P  R3 Y6 `6 P
  As long as more efforts than others, believe you will succeed.
6 t. Z( k2 @- o& w) [  26、一个真正的朋友会握着你的手,触动你的心。
0 Y1 G: U  u4 f  \0 Q3 @  A true friend is the one who holds your hand and touches your heart.
5 c7 \& {9 _: J# X. O  27、一个能思考的人,才真是一个力量无边的人。
+ y, k$ k7 `" p" A3 s/ U  i3 V  A person can think of, only is a power of endless./ u9 t) r0 q3 s4 Z/ \9 j
  28、生前的赞扬往往虚假,死后的议论常常真实。- S  @# f& p# V# _
  Lifetime praise often false, after the discussion is often true.
! o+ v5 m; p( s# }0 V- ~0 s  29、当有人说你是傻瓜时,证明你离成功不远了。
7 b: p8 X; y0 w" `  When someone says you are a fool, prove that you are not far from success.
7 [: }* i& j9 t. z0 M  30、视爱情为生活奢侈品:有最好,没有也能活。5 w5 \0 K- u1 `) [% s) Q
  See love as a luxury life, to have the best, no ability to live for.
& R1 c! i. |6 s" H4 N
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